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Cassini MIMI Investigation at Fundamental Technologies


 Historical MIMI Memos and Notes


Telemetry Modes and Allocations


(S. Jaskulek, MIMI team meeting, October 1994)




16 PHA ranges (4 TOFs x 4 masses: H, He, [C,N,O], and Heavies)


For each event 2.5 16-bit words--> 40 bits:


PHF: 6 bits (6 MSB of the sum of 2 8-bit words)
PHR: 6 bits (6 MSB of the sum of 3 8-bit words)
TOF: 10 bits
Azimuth: 6 bits
Elevation: 6 bits
Coincidence: 1 bit
Start & Stop: 1 bit
Range: 4 bits


Organized on the basis of: 6 PHA events x 16 ranges x 40 bits/event --> 3840 bits
(6 PHA events/range on the average, out of 24 available --> 2304 bytes alloc. mem.)
transmitted every 4 subsectors (21.56 s for nominal Pspin)
178.2 bits/s


Note: Eventual variations of the s/c rotation period during Spinning Mode will be taken into account by adjusting the 6 PHA events/range number, so as to maintain an approximately constant bit rate for INCA (per T/M mode).


INCA Accumulator Rates


8 accumulators (24 bits --> 12 bits log compressed each)
transmitted every subsector (5.391 s for nominal Pspin)
17.8 bits/s



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Updated 8/8/19, Cameron Crane


Manufacturer: The Cassini spacecraft was manufactured by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the Huygens Probe was manufactured by Thales Alenia Space.

Mission Duration: The Cassini-Huygens mission launched on October 15 1997, and ended on September 15 2017.

Destination: Cassini's destination was Saturn and its moons. The destination of the Huygens Probe's was Saturn's moon Titan.

Orbit: Cassini orbited Saturn for 13 years before diving between its rings and colliding with the planet on September 15th, 2017.